1.WAFファイルと同じ階層に新規フォルダを作成する。フォルダ名はWAFファイル名に「 waff folder」を追加したもの。
2.WAFファイルを読み込みながら、「url 」と「data」を取り出して別ファイルに書き出していく。この時のファイル名およびパスは、urlから取得してwaff folderからの相対パスにします。
どうやら、OSX 10.7 Lion以降はエイリアスのファイルサイズが大きく、自分の環境では1.5MBまでになってます。WAFファイルが数十KBなのに、waff folder内は1MB越えなんてアホな状況です。気になる方は、エイリアスを削除してください。
waff folderの直下にあるエイリアス・ファイルを開けば、SafariなどでWebページが開きます。
on open theList
end open
on run
choose file with prompt "Webアーカイブ・ファイルを選んでください" without invisibles
end run
on adding folder items to theFolder after receiving theList
end adding folder items to
on toControl(theList)
repeat with curItem in theList
set theFileInfo to info for curItem
if (folder of theFileInfo) is true then
wafsplit(curItem) of me
on error
display alert "異常発生" message POSIX path of curItem as warning
end try
end if
end repeat
if (count of theList) is 1 then
display notification name of (info for first item of theList) with title "End of work" sound name "beep"
set msg to (count of theList) & " Files" as string
display notification msg with title "End of work" sound name "beep"
end if
end toControl
on wafsplit(theFile)
set theWorkFolder to ""
set theFirstFile to ""
set typeList to {}
set fp1 to open for access theFile
set fileSize to get eof fp1
set readSize to 0
if fileSize is less than 12 then
display alert "サイズ不正です" message POSIX path of theFile
close access fp1
end if
set dataType to read fp1 for 4 as text
set readSize to readSize + 4
if dataType is not ".WAF" then
display alert "処理対象外ファイルです" message POSIX path of theFile
close access fp1
end if
set dataSize to read fp1 for 4 as integer
set readSize to readSize + 4
set dataContents to read fp1 for dataSize - 8 as data
set readSize to readSize + dataSize - 8
log "debug dataType=" & dataType & " readSize=" & readSize & " fileSize=" & fileSize
set theWorkFolder to makeWorkFolder(theFile) of me
set theUrl to ""
repeat while readSize is less than fileSize
set dataType to read fp1 for 4 as text
set readSize to readSize + 4
set dataSize to read fp1 for 4 as integer
set readSize to readSize + 4
if dataType is "mime" then
set dataContents to read fp1 for dataSize as text
set readSize to readSize + dataSize
else if dataType is "url " then
set dataContents to read fp1 for dataSize - 1 as text -- null除外
set readSize to readSize + dataSize
set theUrl to dataContents
set dataContents to read fp1 for 1 as text -- null分進める
else if dataType is "ntry" then
set dataContents to read fp1 for dataSize - 8 as data
set dataNtry1 to read fp1 for 4 as integer
set dataNtry2 to read fp1 for 4 as integer
set dataNtry to dataNtry1 - dataNtry2 - 128
set readSize to readSize + dataSize
else if dataType is "data" then
set dataSize to dataNtry
set dataContents to read fp1 for dataSize as data
set readSize to readSize + dataSize
log "debug theUrl=" & theUrl & " readSize=" & readSize
if theUrl is not "" then
set theNewFile to saveFile(theWorkFolder, theUrl, dataContents)
if theFirstFile is "" then
set theFirstFile to theNewFile
end if
set theUrl to ""
display alert "URLが見当たらない" message "POS=" & readSize as warning
close access fp1
end if
else if dataType is "post" then
set dataContents to read fp1 for dataSize as data
set readSize to readSize + dataSize
set dataSize to 128
set dataContents to read fp1 for dataSize as text
set readSize to readSize + dataSize
set end of typeList to dataType
set dataContents to read fp1 for dataSize as data
set readSize to readSize + dataSize
end if
log "debug unknown dataType=" & typeList as string
log "debug readSize=" & readSize & " fileSize=" & fileSize
end repeat
on error errMsg number errNum
close access fp1
display alert errMsg & "code=" & errNum as warning
-- if errNum is -39 then
-- log "debug readSize=" & readSize & " fileSize=" & fileSize
-- end if
error errMsg number errNum
end try
close access fp1
if theFirstFile is not "" then
saveEntryShortcut(theWorkFolder, theFirstFile)
end if
setAllFileDate(theWorkFolder, theFile)
end wafsplit
on saveFile(theWorkFolder, theUrl, theData)
set theFilename to filenameFromUrl(theUrl) of me
do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of theWorkFolder & " &&" & "mkdir -p " & "./`dirname " & quoted form of theFilename & "`"
set theNewFile to theWorkFolder & strings 2 thru end of replaceText(theFilename, "/", ":") as string
tell application "Finder"
set theExists to exists file theNewFile
end tell
if theExists is yes then
end if
set fp to open for access theNewFile write permission yes
write theData to fp as data
on error errMsg number errNum
close access fp
display alert errMsg & "code=" & errNum as warning
error errMsg number errNum
end try
close access fp
return alias theNewFile
end saveFile
on filenameFromUrl(theUrl)
set pos to (offset of "://" in theUrl) + (length of "://")
set parmPos to (offset of "?" in theUrl)
set theFilename to text pos thru (parmPos - 1) of theUrl
--set theFilename to replaceText(theFilename, "/", "_") of me
set theFilename to "/" & theFilename
if theFilename ends with "/" then
set theFilename to theFilename & "index.html"
end if
return theFilename
end filenameFromUrl
on makeWorkFolder(theFile)
set fileInfo to info for theFile
if name extension of fileInfo is not missing value then
set theExtension to "." & name extension of fileInfo
set theExtension to ""
end if
set theBaseFolder to do shell script "basename " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFile & " " & quoted form of theExtension
if theBaseFolder is "" then
display alert "フォルダ名の生成失敗" message POSIX path of theFile as warning
return ""
end if
set theBaseFolder to theBaseFolder & " waff folder"
tell application "Finder"
set theNewFolder to make new folder at alias ((theFile as string) & "::") with properties {name:theBaseFolder}
set theNewFolder to theNewFolder as string -- Finderのfile形式なのでstringに変換
end tell
setFileDate(theNewFolder as alias, theFile as alias)
return alias theNewFolder
end makeWorkFolder
on saveEntryShortcut(theWorkFolder, theEntryFile)
set fileInfo to info for theEntryFile
--theEntryFile に拡張子がなくTEXTファイルの時は、.htmlを追加。
if name extension of fileInfo is missing value then
tell application "Finder"
set name extension of file theEntryFile to "html"
end tell
end if
tell application "Finder"
set theNewFile to make new alias at folder theWorkFolder to theEntryFile with properties {name:name of fileInfo}
set theNewFile to theNewFile as string -- Finderのfile形式なのでstringに変換
end tell
return alias theNewFile
end saveEntryShortcut
on setAllFileDate(theFolder, theSourceFile)
set theCommand1 to "x=`/Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo -d " & quoted form of POSIX path of theSourceFile & "`"
set theCommand2 to "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFolder
set theCommand3 to "find . -print0 | xargs -0 /Developer/Tools/SetFile -d \"$x\""
set theCommand to theCommand1 & " && " & theCommand2 & " && " & theCommand3
do shell script theCommand
end setAllFileDate
on setFileDate(theFile, theSourceFile)
set theCommand to "x=`/Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo -d " & quoted form of POSIX path of theSourceFile & "` && " & "/Developer/Tools/SetFile -d \"$x\" " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFile
do shell script theCommand
end setFileDate
on replaceText(theText, serchStr, replaceStr)
set tmp to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to serchStr
set theList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceStr
set theText to theList as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tmp
return theText
end replaceText
OSX 10.9.2以降
要 Xcode(/Developer/Tools/)
Finder 10.9.2/Apple/iMac10,1/OSX 10.9.2